Women’s Dimensions of the Past: Perceptions, Experiences, Representations

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The monograph explores little-known aspects of the historical experience of Ukrainian women in the context of the prevailing social ideas, legal norms, social institutions, and common practices of the relevant era (from the late seventeenth to the early twenty-first century). Through the prism of literature, epistolary, folklore, cinema, and visual art, the author traces the cultural (self-)representations of women. The successes and difficulties of women’s entry and self-realization in professional environments and urban spaces in the early twentieth century are examined. The complex processes of women’s unification and self-organization in interaction with the authorities, in the diaspora, and in the dissident movement show the ambiguity of women’s activism. The historical dimensions of gender-based violence are highlighted through the analysis of court cases, archival documents, and oral history materials. The monograph presents various approaches to the study of the key issues of women’s history, shows the informative potential and limitations of various types of historical sources, and opens up hitherto unknown pages of women’s past. The book will be a valuable resource for teachers, students, and researchers studying Ukrainian history, as well as for women’s movement activists and human rights defenders working to overcome gender discrimination in Ukraine.


The Center for Urban History worked on the book together with the Ukrainian Association of Women’s History Researchers in partnership with the Ethnology Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Kyiv Office-Ukraine.

To read introduction

Research editor: Oksana Kis

The authors of the monograph are Victoria Ivashchenko, Maryana Baidak, Olena Haleta, Oksana Kuzmenko, Anastasia Kanivets, Kateryna Yakovlenko, Ihor Karpenko, Anastasia Bozhenko, Sofia Rosa-Lavrentiy, and Mayhill Fowler, Olena Hanusyn, Anastasia Myshusta, Maryna Voronina, Olha Labur, Iryna Savchenko, Alina Doboshevska, Oleksiy Vinnychenko, Olha Posunko, Ivanna Cherchovych, Daria Mattingly, Olena Kondratiuk, Olesya Khromeychuk

Reviewers: Olena Stiazhkina, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Oksana Malanchuk-Rybak, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at the Lviv Academy of Arts, Oksana Godovanska, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

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